The security application has been developed to improve the safety and security of you and your family. All emergency signals are connected to the Atlas Security control room for maximum security and faster response times. This mobile emergency panic application will allow Atlas Security and other emergency services to respond directly to your selected location.

You can:

  1. Push the panic from the APP, this will send a priority signal to our control room and our team will react accordingly
  2. View alarm history (the APP will tell you when the alarm was armed, disarmed, and activated) (Only applicable to compatible alarm systems) 
  3. Receive messages/crime alerts from our control room directly to the APP
  4. Contact our control room or sales directly from the APP
  • The Atlas Security APP is available to clients at NO cost for the first 4 users, thereafter the cost is R10.00 per user over 4.
  • Not a client? No worries, you can still use the app for as little as R65.00 per month for the first 4 users – this is for a townhouse unit, flat, or apartment for R99.00 per month for 4 users in a freestanding home or commercial property.

*Ts & Cs Apply

Click on the link to download the APP. Once downloaded, please follow the registration process. Once completed the application will be sent to our control room which will contact you within 24 hours to verify your password and confirm that you have understood the terms and conditions.

The APP is compatible with both iOS and Android.

To download the APP, open your App Store and search for “Atlas Security”

For more information on the registration process, click here: Manual

During the registration process, you will be prompted to select an option. Please see below the different options

  1. Option 1A (Existing Atlas Primary Keyholder with standard monitoring and response service in place (includes DPS clients)
  2. Option 1B (Existing Atlas Secondary Keyholder with standard monitoring and response service in place (includes DPS clients)
  3. Option 2A (Existing Atlas Primary Keyholder with standard monitoring and response service in place, including DPS, using a Falcon GSM for communication)
  4. Option 2B (Existing Atlas Secondary Keyholder with standard monitoring and response service in place, including DPS, using a Falcon GSM for communication)
  5. Option 3A New client – Flat / Townhouse (Primary Keyholder)
  6. Option 3B New client – Flat / Townhouse (Secondary Keyholder)
  7. Option 4A New client – House / Commercial site (Primary Keyholder)
  8. Option 4B New client – House / Commercial site (Primary Keyholder)